Saturday, April 24, 2010


excuses are boring and sickening right in the gut...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

- ~

Kate Moss & Johnny Depp

me and cherrypie

bucktooth and cherrypie the punkrockstar!

beautyfull flower in the world

huff' and puff' of love!

Monday, April 19, 2010


exits that don't seem right in the first place...
yet there was no hesitation on your part...
the traveling eyes...

cause i know the reason why...
whenever i whisper your name when i miss you ...

it just went along with the wind that didn't stop
because you never wanted to hear those whispers...

it was your eyes instead that stop at all the ugly exits that you can't get out from...
this time around the rain didn't bring salvation....

on the right corner

everything is just an illusion of lies...
repeated over and over again...
like familiar words
through the letters typed, DELETE,typed

broken toy soldier

no more courage held ...
dreams shattered into dust...
that stirs up as the wind carries it away...
nothing matter anymore...

saddest is

Sunday, April 11, 2010

ooh :º

Ken Dedes by Jim Supangkat ( 1975)

You are allowed to take pictures at museums in Singapore now, yippeee they changed their policy for secret photo takers hahaha
so more people can take pictures and show it to other people then more people will go to the museums . Four thumbs up !!!!!

i trip

the man himself, Mr Harsono, writing his name in Chinese calligraphy

Is a fucking brilliant exhibition. Where memories of the May 1998 riots in Indonesia is translated into the various forms of media. The exhibitions had shown another perspective of the political, social and cultural changes of the Indonesian society through the eyes of Mr Harsono.
The exhibits did sent chills and sadness down my heart, telling me how beastly and short sighted humans can be....

my pick from his exhibition:

Titled : Voice without Voice ( 1993-1994)


speak more than words.

Title : Burned Victims

Performance Video & Artist Collection

Charred remains ( wooden torsos) as a remainder of the tragic May 1998 riots in Indonesia.

Credit Suisse: Innovation in Art Series

FX HARSONO: Testimonies

4 March to 9 May 2010

i trip

Agus Suwage

Vuong Van Thao

Suzann Victor
Title : His mother is a theatre

now you see me!

tower of bowls

at museums : 8Q SAM / National Museum of Singapore

thank you

"Hey" is what i will say with a faint smile ... your visit from Jakarta is much
appreciated, you made me feel really important

indeed you are "kool.

Friday, April 9, 2010

since 2007'

it must have been that bus ride

Or Styx?